Handbooks as an AI Legal Compliance Tool

Written by: David Frankel, Esq. & Maria Matkou, Esq. AI is quickly reshaping staffing firms’ practices, offering unprecedented efficiencies and innovations. However, although AI provides staffing firms with tremendous opportunities, AI also brings along some legal challenges. This article aims to identify some regulations pertaining to AI and suggest a way to cover them in […]

Important Update on Federal Exemptions from Overtime – You Can Pay Less Now

Written By: Christopher Leddy, Esq., David Frankel, Esq., and Maria Matkou, Esq. Previously, our firm published an article warning employers of a new U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) Rule (the “Rule”) regarding increases to the salary thresholds for federal exemptions from minimum wage and overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act (the “FLSA”). As predicted […]

Excessive Expense Reimbursements are not a “Golden Ticket” to Reducing Overtime Pay

Written by: David Frankel, Esq. & Maria Matkou, Esq. On November 8, 2024, the U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) published FLSA2024-01 (the “Opinion Letter”), opining as to whether daily expense payments for tools and equipment may be excluded from employees’ regular rates when calculating overtime. Although opinion letters are non-binding, they can provide useful guidance […]

State of the Staffing Industry:  Four Opportunities Staffing Companies Can Do Right Now

Michael Bartels, Chief Development Officer sat down with the Co-Practice Leaders & Partners from Citrin Cooperman’s Staffing Group: BJ Hoffman and Michael Napolitano.  Citrin Cooperman released their “State of the Staffing Industry:  Four Opportunities Staffing Companies Can Do Right Now.” The Four Opportunities that are discussed during the session are: To hear their discussion:  Interview:  […]